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  • Pelican Crossings

Pelican Crossings(Previously named Pedestrian Light Controlled Crossing) means that the flow of traffic is controlled by traffic lights. which is different from zebra crossings. At the pelican crossings, The traffic Signal will be changed after a timed delay by pressing pedestrian button. In general, it appears in a straight line or staggered road. If the pelican crossing goes straight across the road then you would treat it as one crossing even if it has a central refuge. If the crossing is staggered and not in line then the crossings are treated as seperate.

  • Puffin Crossings

Puffin Crossings(Pedestrian User-Friendly Intelligent Crossings) look very similar to pelican crossings. But no sensors are on top of the traffic lights. These sensors detect if pedestrian are crossing slowly and can hold the red traffic light longer if needed.

These do not a flashing amber light as part of its sequence and phase like normal traffic lights.

Pedestrians can also run across the road from an angle and not start at the crossing.

The Difference Between Pelican Crossing and Puffin Crossing

  • Toucan Crossings

It is a type of crossing that also allows bicycles to be ridden across. Unlike the pelican crossing, before the lights for vehicles go back to green, a steady red and amber are displayed instead of a flashing amber. The pedestrian/cyclist signal lights may be on the near side of the crossing (like a puffin crossing), or on the opposite side of the road (like a pelican crossing).

  • Pegasus Crossings

It is a type of signalised pedestrian crossing with special consideration for horse riders. These crossings has raised push buttons so the horse rider does not need to dismount in order to cross the road.

Intermobility Expo 2023 in Dubai

New Look Of 200mm Led Pedestrian Signals

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